Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sarah Palin Progresses Her Political Ambition at the Expense of the English Language

PALIN: It would be my honor to assist and support our new president and the new administration, yes. And I speak for other Republicans, other Republican governors also, they being willing also to, again, seize this opportunity that we have to progress this nation together, a united front.

Thus spake Sarah Palin (pictured above in Kuwait in 2007 after she acquired her first honest-to-goodness U.S. Passport) in a recent interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Sarah, please, PROGRESS IS AN INTRANSITIVE VERB! Please, please, please, just shut up and go back to Alaska!


Anonymous said...

So, gramatically, "progress this country" shares the same sin as "grow the economy?"

And so Sarah was speaking that way even before McCain picked her and Katie Couric picked on her?

Anonymous said...

Do you guys have any Sarah Palin fanfiction?

Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Fiction? You can't make up stuff like this.